Flying Fox Fish in Malaysia Market

Flying Fox in our Local Market ( Malaysia ) 3+1 , where 3 actually real flying fox but the other one is not. 

Typically , there are 4 algae eater , that coming under the name of Flying Fox ( either by accurate naming , or mistakenly put ) 

Silver Flying Fox

A. Silver Flying Fox aka crossocheilus reticulatus

Most hardworking when compare to the other 4. 

Black Line Flying Fox

B. Black Line Flying Fox @ Siamese algae eater aka crossocheilus oblongus 

Basically , on certain lfs this one called by Black Line Flying Fox. But , from time to time, thier staff tend to simplify it to just " Flying Fox " . 

So don't get wrong here. Despite it's Siamese Algae Eater. It's still Flying Fox. Just come by the name Black Line Flying Fox. 

Flying Fox

C. Flying Fox aka epalzeorhynchos kalopterus

Hobbyist tend to call this as true Flying Fox. But personally, we feels that this "true" flying fox cant even compete with Silver Flying Fox when it comes to performance on managing the algae outbreak. 

Sometimes , the "true" not really true to thier job i guess πŸ˜‚

Chinese algae eater

D. Chinese algae eater aka gyrinocheilus aymonieri

This one definitely not flying fox. Always mistakenly put / declared as flying fox. 

credit:- Amert Ramli




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